Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Experience Buying A New Book Today (God Loves Broken People: And Those Who Pretend They're Not by Shelia Walsh)

Hi Beloveds...

I love the way God works.  I was asking God to minister to me this morning and He told me to "go to the book store to get a book".  I said "ok, but I have no book in mind so You need to show me the book when I get there".  With that I got ready and was on my way.

Now I don't know about you, but I'm a bit of a Bible addict.  So the first thing I do when I walk into any christian bookstore is go to the Bibles and spend a minimum of 10-15 minutes browsing.  Has anything new come in?  If there's nothing new, I look over the ones I've already seen, just to make sure nothings changed since the last time I looked them over.

It was not more than 3 minutes after I had completed this obligatory ritual, and was walking around, when God lead me straight to the book I was called there to get.  My heart dropped in my chest.  Oh how well our God knows just what we need and when.  It was the perfect book in so many ways.

So I started to think about whether I should buy the book from the bookstore or on amazon.  I mean, I'm on a budget here, right?!  I took out my phone and did a price check.  No joke, the book was about a tenth of the price on amazon.  But then I heard God say "Buy the book here, they need the money".

Ummm, ok God.  I was obedient and went to the register to pay full price for my book.

Now I believe blessing falls on those who get their eyes off themselves and onto others.  If you are looking to have a prayer answered, ask God, but then find someone who is facing the same situation and pray for them.  Serve them in some way.  God will lead you there, if you humble yourself and ask Him to show you.  We are called to love.  (Matthew 22:37-40)

I start by asking the lady behind the counter if she had heard anything about the book.  "Have you read this?  Have you heard if it's good?"  She told me that she had not, but she really liked the author and was confident it would be good.  With that she checked me out.  As she was finishing she started to ask me if I wanted to buy a $5 Bible to donate for....  My knee jerk reaction was to say no.  Guy on a budget remember.  Silly me!  Then the rest of what she had said settled in...  for the crisis pregnancy center.

Oh God!  Beloveds, if you knew my life right now you would understand how this effected me.

Let's just say I quickly changed my mind about the donation!

We serve an amazing God who loves us so deeply.  He loves those we love more than we ever could.  He is always with us.  If we turn to Him, He will answer!  Let Him love you.  Let Him lead you to where He intends to heal you.  Let Him love and heal others through you.  You CAN trust Him!

I'm excited about my new book.  I know it's just what I need.

I will let you know how it is.  :)

I love You so much God!

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