Friday, October 22, 2010

Letters to Lynn - You are not alone.

My beloved you are not alone! I am with you. I am still here. I am still covering you. More than this, He is with you. Though I wish with every piece of me that I could heal the pain you feel right now, I can’t. Only He that loves you more than I is capable. Only He can heal the pain completely. Be with Him. Rest in Him. Please know that your husband loves and adores you very much. He is still fighting for you everyday with everything he has in him. He has grown. He sees and understands things that he never did before. He loves you so much that he is willing to let you go if that is what you choose. He is willing to completely release you into the hands of the heavenly Father that created you for him. There is no fear here, not even of death. I am willing to let our marriage die to save it. (Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. ~ Luke 17:33) Our God is greater than these. Our God is capable of resurrection and bringing life out of death. He is capable of this in you beloved. He can heal all the pain. He is capable of this beyond just the surface. He is capable of a deep down restoration that will heal the scars and pains of the past that you do not even know are there.

With the authority of my father in heaven who loves us, I bind the lies of satan. The love that my Heavenly Father and I feel for our bride will remain forever.

Your are beautiful my beloved. I see you white as snow. My precious bride.

I love you so much!

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